This is a quick guide to STklos hacking. It’s not detailed, so the document doesn’t become huge, and also because after understanding the basics, hacking STklos should not be difficult.

1. Basic editor configuration

There is a .editorconfig file in STklos' root folder, which describes the style to be used, and which is automatically used when editorconfig is configured ([editorconfig]( helps maintain consistentcoding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs).

2. Directories

The subdirectories in the STklos source tree are:

  • doc – documentation, written mostly in asciidoctor

  • etc – various sample files for specific needs

  • examples – examples (oh, who could tell?)

  • ffilibffi (a local copy)

  • gc – the Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector, libgc (a local copy)

  • gmp – a slow compatible GNU MP

  • lib – Scheme files, including from basic things like the boot program up to high-level things like modules implementing libraries and SRFIs

  • pcre2libpcre (a local copy)

  • pkgman – the package manager

  • src – the STklos core, written in C

  • tests – the tests, of course!

  • utils – utilities and wrappers

The "local copies" of libffi, libgc and libpcre, as well as the mini-GMP in gmp/ are compiled when there’s no version of those available in the system, or when you force their use in the configure script with --with-provided-gc, --with-gmp-light and so on.

3. Basic debugging


STklos has conditionally-compiled debugging code, which is enabled when the STK_DEBUG variable is visible to the C compiler. To enable a debug-enabled binary of STklos, configure it passing CFLAGS="-DSTK_DEBUG" to the configure script:

./configure CFLAGS="-DSTK_DEBUG"

This will enable:

  • [misc.c]: (%%debug) which toggles debugging on and off.

  • [misc.c]: (%c-backtrace), which produces a backtrace of C function calls.

  • [misc.c]: (%test proc), which applies proc without arguments.

  • [misc.c]: (%vm …​), which you can customize in src/vm.c to your needs.

  • [src/utf8.c]: (%char-utf8-encoding c), which shows how the character c is encoded in UTF8.

  • [`src/utf8.c]: (%dump-string s), which shows the bytes in the internal representation of the string s.

  • [src/promise.c]: (%promise-value p), which returns the value of promise p. When not yet forced, the value will be a procedure, which you can then call. But calling %promise-value p does not force p, and does not interfere with the rest of the program.

  • [src/promise.c]: (%promise-value-set! p v), which sets the value of promise p to v.

Clearly, you can add other primitives useful for debugging guarded by

#ifdef STK_DEBUG

as necessary.

3.2. Other debugging primitives in Scheme

Even without STK_DEBUG, you can use in your Scheme code:

  • (%vm-backtrace) to obtain a trace of Scheme procedure calls

3.3. C debugging

When copiling the C part of STklos, it may be interesting to compile with -g -O0 -Wall also:

./configure CFLAGS="-DSTK_DEBUG -g -O0 -Wall"

And to use GCC’s static analyzer (with GCC version 11 or later),

./configure CFLAGS="-DSTK_DEBUG -g -O0 -Wall -fanalyzer"

To debug STklos, you can use gdb:

gdb -q src/stklos

4. STklos initialization

main is in src/stklos.c, where command line options are parsed and the scheme interpreter is started:

  • STk_init_library – performs library initialization. This is done in src/lib.c, which is a very simple file that just calls several initialization functions. Those functions are defined in different files under src/;

  • build_scheme_args – collects the command line options in the variable %system-state-plist;

  • STk_load_boot – loads the boot file (if one is to be loaded);

  • STk_boot_from_C – actually boots the Scheme interpreter. This function is defined in src/vm.c, where the STklos virtual machine code is.

In order to include Scheme code for execution during STklos startup, edit lib/boot.stk.

5. Adding simple modules and SRFIs

5.1. Adding modules

  • add your fantastic-module.stk to lib/SUBDIR, where SUBDIR could be scheme, srfi or stklos (see nect subsection)

  • include fantastic-module.stk and fantastic-module.ostk in the variables SRC_STK and scheme_OBJS, in lib/

  • Tests reside in the tests directory. Create a new file in tests directory and include it in the list of loaded files in do-test.stk

5.2. Module placement in the tree

  • STklos modules go into lib/stklos

  • Scheme (R7RS small or large) libraries go into lib/scheme

  • SRFIs go into lib/srfi

5.3. Adding SRFIs

In order to add SRFI 9999 to STklos,

  • add your 9999.stk to lib/srfi

  • include 9999.stk and 9999.ostk in the variables SRC_STK and SRC_OSTK, in lib/srfi/

  • Add a line describing it in lib/srfis.stk (the format is described in the file itself).

  • Tests reside in the tests directory. Add the tests in a file tests/srfis/9999.stk

For new SRFIs, adding its description in lib/srfis.stk suffices to update

  • the SUPPORTED-SRFIS in the main directory

  • launch the tests you added in tests/srfis directory, and

  • add an automatically generated documentation for this SRFI

5.4. Mixed SRFIs (Scheme and C)

To add a mixed SRFI 8888,

  • Write a 8888.c file and put it in lib/srfi

  • Write a 8888.stk Scheme file and also put it in lib/srfi

  • Add your mixed SRFI to lib/srfi/, in the section `SRFIs written in C and Scheme'' (variables `SRC_C, SRC_C_STK, and SRC_SHOBJ

5.4.1. Content of the Scheme file

The Scheme file will be compiled as a byte-code stream embedded in C. Here, the compiled file will be called $DIR/srfi-170-incl.c. It is built by the utils/tmpcomp script with

../../utils/tmpcomp -o srfi-170-incl.c $DIR/srfi-170.stk

Note: when the destination file ends with a .c suffix, the tmpcomp command produces a C file instead of a byte-code file.

You don’t have to pay attention to any particular point in the writing of this file.

5.4.2. Content of the C file

The C file must follow the conventions of dynamically loadable code as shown in the example in the /etc directory.

In this C file, to use the previously compiled Scheme code, you have to (using SRFI 170 as an example):

  • include the file 170-incl.c at the top of your C file

  • add a call to execute the Scheme code just before the MODULE_ENTRY_END directive. This is done with the following invocation:

    STk_execute_C_bytecode(__module_consts, __module_code);
  • Add a directive DEFINE_MODULE_INFO at the end of the file. It permits to access some information of the module (STklos version used to compile the module, exported symbols, …). For now, this information is not used, but omitting to add this directive will probably lead to a compiler warning about an unresolved reference.

As one more example, SRFI 25 has, at the end of the C file:

  SCM module =  STk_create_module(STk_intern("srfi/25"));


  /* Execute Scheme code */
  STk_execute_C_bytecode(__module_consts, __module_code);


See SRFI-25, SRFI-27 and SRFI-170 as a reference.

5.5. Documentation

5.5.1. Documenting SRFIs in srfi.adoc

General documentation is automatically generated for SRFIs. If you need to give a precision specific to a given SRFI, add it to the end of the doc/refman/srfi.adoc file using the gen-srfi-documentation function.

Note that the documentation is written in Skribe tool which is no more maintained. Consequently, the documentation will not be generated. The HTML and PDF documentation is rebuilt from time to time by @egallesio.

5.5.2. Documenting primitives written in C

Before DEFINE_PRIMITIVE, add a comment similar to the others you see in the C files. An example:

<doc EXT bignum?
 * (bignum? x)
 * This predicates returns |#t| if |x| is an integer number too large to be
 * represented with a native integer.
 * @lisp
 * (bignum? (expt 2 300))     => |#t|   (very likely)
 * (bignum? 12)               => |#f|
 * (bignum? "no")             => |#f|
 * @end lisp
DEFINE_PRIMITIVE("bignum?", bignump, subr1, (SCM x))

Pay attention to the parts of this comment: it begins with the primitive name, then there’s an explanation, then examples in Scheme. Wrap symbols/identifiers in |.|; use @lisp and @end lisp@ to show an example of usage.

6. Writing primitives in C


DEFINE_PRIMITIVE("fixnum?", fixnump, subr1, (SCM obj))
  return MAKE_BOOLEAN(INTP(obj));

The arguments for this example are

  • Scheme name

  • C function name (its full name will have the string ```STk_’' prepended to it)

  • the type of primitive (in this case, it is a subroutine with one parameter – ```subr1’'

  • the arguents, surrounded by parentheses. In this case there is only one argument, `obj’', and its type is `SCM’' (which is the type of all Scheme objects in STklos).

Then add it:


The name passed to ADD_PRIMITIVE is the C function name.

6.1. Calling Scheme primitives

Recall that a primitive is defined like this:

DEFINE_PRIMITIVE("fixnum?", fixnump, subr1, (SCM obj))
{ ... }


To use this primitive later in C code, add the STk_ prefix to its C function name:

if (STk_fixnump(obj) == STk_false) ...

6.2. Returning multiple values

STk_n_values(n, v1, v2, …​, vn) returns n values from a procedure.

For example, read-line (defined in port.c) has these two lines:

return STk_n_values(2, res, STk_eof)

for when it found the end of the file, and

return STk_n_values(2, res, delim);

for when it did not yet reach EOF, so it returns the line delimiter as second value.

6.3. Using multiple returned values

Just as one can use STk_n_values to produce values, it is also possible to call (from C) a Scheme procedure that produces a sequence of values and use them from the C code. The function STk_values2vector (defined in vm.c) does this.

In Scheme, one could to this:

(define (my-proc x y z)        ;; takes three arguments
  (values (+ x y) (- y z)))    ;; returns two values

If we assume that the C SCM variable proc points to the closure my-proc, then we can call it like this:

SCM a = MAKE_INT(10);
SCM b = MAKE_INT(20);
SCM c = MAKE_INT(30);

/* Define a Scheme vector to hold EXACTLY two values: */
SCM results = STk_makevect(2, NULL);

VECTOR_DATA(results)[0] = STk_false;
VECTOR_DATA(results)[1] = STk_false;

/* Call the procedure proc, passing 3 arguments; proc */
STk_values2vector ( STk_C_apply(proc, 3, a, b, c),
                    results );

The Scheme vector results will then hold the two returned values.

  • If you pass NULL as second argument to STk_values2vector instead of passing a vector, the VM will allocate a vector with the size of the number of values returned.

  • If you do pass a vector to STk_values2vector, then the procedure being called must produce exactly that number of values (not more, not less), otherwise the VM will signal an error.

6.4. Errors

The C function that raises errors is

  • STk_error(fmt, arg1, arg2, …​) – the STklos error procedure. fmt is a format string, and after it there are arguments.

But as you can see in the top of several C files, it is useful to define wrappers:

static void error_bad_number(SCM n)
  STk_error("~S is a bad number", n);

static void error_at_least_1(void)
  STk_error("expects at least one argument");

static void error_cannot_operate(char *operation, SCM o1, SCM o2)
  STk_error("cannot perform %s on ~S and ~S", operation, o1, o2);

6.5. Unboxed types

The trditional way to representa data in Lisp languages is by tagged objects. A long enough machine word is used to represent all types, and some bits are reserved to distinguish the type of the object. In STklos, the two least significant bits are used for this.

  • 00 - pointer on an object descriptor (a box)

  • 01 - fixnum

  • 10 - small object (characters and others)

  • 11 - small constant (#t, #f, '(), #eof, #void, dot, close-parenthesis)

The idea is that checking the type of these should be very fast, because it is done at runtime, so to check wether an object is #eof, one needs only check if obj & 0x4 == 0x3 (but usually, we have macros for that).

STklos uses C long words so, for example, in a machine where long int is 32 bits long the bit sequence

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0101

is a fixnum (because its two least significant digits are 01, and the value of the fixnum is 9 (because after discarding the 01 that is on the right of the sequence, the number left is 1001).

6.5.1. Booleans

  • STk_true is the SCM object for #t

  • STk_false is the SCM object for #f

  • BOOLEANP(o) checks wether the object o is boolean (the macro actually does (o) == STk_true) || ((o) == STk_false

  • MAKE_BOOLEAN(_cond) expands to a conditional statement: if _cond is true, then the value is STk_true, otherwise it is STk_false.

6.5.2. Fixnums

Fixnums are not allocated but have their two least significant bits set to 01 (in Lisp-parlance, it has 01 as its tag).

  • INTP(o) - returns STklos_true if o is a Scheme integer or STklos_false otherwise

  • MAKE_INT(n) - takes a long C number and turns it into an SCM integer object. Actually, this will shift the number to the left by two positions and insert the tag If we could represent numbers as binary in C, it would be like this:

MAKE_INT( 000011000 )  // --> 001100001
  • INT_VAL(o) - returns the value of the fixnum o, as a C long value (the opposite of the previous operation)

6.6. Boxed types

Boxed types are anything except for fixnums, small objects and small constants. They are tagged with 00.

  • BOXED_OBJP(o) – true if o is a boxed object

  • BOXED_TYPE_EQ(o,t) – checks wether o is a boxed object of type t

  • BOXED_TYPE(o) – returns the type of boxed object o

  • BOXED_INFO – returns the information of boxed object o

The type definition for all possible types, in stklos.h, is self-explanatory:

typedef enum {
  tc_cons, tc_integer, tc_real, tc_bignum,  tc_rational,                /* 0 */
  tc_complex, tc_symbol, tc_keyword, tc_string, tc_module,              /* 5 */
  tc_instance, tc_closure, tc_subr0, tc_subr1, tc_subr2,                /* 10 */
  tc_subr3, tc_subr4, tc_subr5, tc_subr01, tc_subr12,                   /* 15 */
  tc_subr23, tc_vsubr, tc_apply, tc_vector, tc_uvector,                 /* 20 */
  tc_hash_table, tc_port, tc_frame, tc_next_method, tc_promise,         /* 25 */
  tc_regexp, tc_process, tc_continuation, tc_values, tc_parameter,      /* 30 */
  tc_socket, tc_struct_type, tc_struct, tc_thread, tc_mutex,            /* 35 */
  tc_condv, tc_box, tc_ext_func, tc_pointer, tc_callback,               /* 40 */
  tc_last_standard /* must be last as indicated by its name */
} type_cell;

6.6.1. Lists

Here are some primitives for lists, for example:

  • CAR(p) – equivalent to Scheme car: returns the car of p (an SCM object)

  • CDR(p) – equivalent to Scheme cdr: returns the car of p (an SCM object, which certainly is a list)

  • CONSP(p) - equivalent to Scheme cons?

  • NULLP(p) - equivalent to Scheme null?

  • STk_cons - equivalent to Scheme cons

6.6.2. Strings

Another example are strings. They are defined as the following structure:

struct string_obj {
  stk_header header;
  int space;            /* allocated size  */
  int size;             /* # of bytes used */
  int length;           /* "external" length of the string */
  char *chars;

Then, some primitives:

#define STRING_SPACE(p)  (((struct string_obj *) (p))->space)
#define STRING_SIZE(p)   (((struct string_obj *) (p))->size)
#define STRING_LENGTH(p) (((struct string_obj *) (p))->length)
#define STRING_CHARS(p)  (((struct string_obj *) (p))->chars)
#define STRINGP(p)       (BOXED_TYPE_EQ((p), tc_string))

The following primitives are defined in a str.c, but stklos.h is used by several files use them, so they’re included with EXTERN_PRIMITIVE:

EXTERN_PRIMITIVE("string=?", streq, subr2, (SCM s1, SCM s2));
EXTERN_PRIMITIVE("string-ref", string_ref, subr2, (SCM str, SCM index));
EXTERN_PRIMITIVE("string-set!", string_set, subr3, (SCM str, SCM index, SCM value));
EXTERN_PRIMITIVE("string-downcase!", string_ddowncase, vsubr, (int argc, SCM *argv));

6.7. Dynamically loadable modules

See some examples in etc/

6.8. Input and output from C

The input and output functions are defined in sio.c, and declared in stklos.h. For example,

  • STk_getc(SCM port) for reading a single character

  • STk_get_character(SCM port) for reading a single character (result may be a wide char)

  • STk_putc(int c, SCM port) for printing a single character

  • STk_put_character(int c, SCM port) for printing a single character (maybe a wide char)

  • STk_puts(const char *s, SCM port) for printing a C string

  • STk_putstring(const char *s, SCM port) for printing a Scheme string

  • STk_print(SCM exp, SCM port, int mode) for printing Scheme objects

  • STk_print_star(SCM exp, SCM port, int mode) for circular structures

All printing procedures have a port argument. This should be a Scheme object of the type port, and there are also already defined ports for standard output and error, STk_stdout and STk_stderr. For reading there is also STk_stdin. These standard ports are defined in fport.c, and declared (as extern) in stklos.h. They are all initialized in the function STk_init_fport in fport.c.

Some printing procedures have a mode argument. The two allowed values for this are WRT_MODE and DSP_MODE, which correspond to "write mode" (which will write the raw representation of objects) and "display mode" (which will do pretty-printing). The difference can be clearly seen in the printstring function in print.c:

static void printstring(SCM s, SCM port, int mode)
  if (mode == DSP_MODE) {
    STk_putstring(s, port);
  } else {
    /* lots of code dealing with character escapes */

6.9. Creating new types

6.9.1. Example: SRFI-25

We’ll be using SRFI-25 as an example. In that SRFI, am array type is created.

  • Create a C struct whose first field is of type stk_header

struct array_obj {
  stk_header header;
  int shared;                /* does this array share data with another? */
  int *orig_share_count;     /* pointer to original array share counter */
  MUT_FIELD(share_cnt_lock); /* lock for share counter */
  MUT_FIELD(*share_cnt_lock_addr); /* pointer to mutex - ours or of original array's */
  long size;                 /* size of data */
  long length;               /* # of elements */
  int  rank;                 /* # of dimensons */
  long offset;               /* offset from zero, to be added when calculaing index */
  long *shape;               /* pairs of bounds for each dimenson */
  long *multipliers;         /* size of each dimension stride */
  SCM  *data_ptr;            /* pointer to data */

The fields in the struct may contain both C and Scheme elements (the Scheme elements have SCM types).

  • Maybe create some accessor macros

#define ARRAYP(p)            (BOXED_TYPE_EQ((p), tc_array))
#define ARRAY_SHARED(p)      (((struct array_obj *) (p))->shared)
#define ARRAY_SHARE_COUNT(p) (((struct array_obj *) (p))->orig_share_count)
#define ARRAY_LOCK(p)        (*(((struct array_obj *) (p))->share_cnt_lock_addr))
#define ARRAY_SIZE(p)        (((struct array_obj *) (p))->size)
#define ARRAY_LENGTH(p)      (((struct array_obj *) (p))->length)
#define ARRAY_RANK(p)        (((struct array_obj *) (p))->rank)
#define ARRAY_OFFSET(p)      (((struct array_obj *) (p))->offset)
#define ARRAY_SHAPE(p)       (((struct array_obj *) (p))->shape)
#define ARRAY_MULTS(p)       (((struct array_obj *) (p))->multipliers)
#define ARRAY_DATA(p)        (((struct array_obj *) (p))->data_ptr)

Be mindful of thread-related things: not all STklos builds have threading enabled!

#  define ARRAY_MUTEX(p)
#  define ARRAY_MUTEX_SIZE 1
#  define ARRAY_MUTEX(p) (((struct array_obj *) (p))->share_cnt_lock)
#  define ARRAY_MUTEX_SIZE (sizeof(pthread_mutex_t))
#  define ARRAY_MUTEX_PTR_SIZE (sizeof(pthread_mutex_t*))
  • Create an extended type descriptor which contains the type name, and pointers to functions to print and compare elements:

static void print_array(SCM array, SCM port, int mode)
    Here goes the code for printing array.
    Use the functions
      - STk_puts(char *str, SCM port)
      - STk_print(SCM obj, SCM port, int mode)
    It may be useful to first create a buffer, use snprintf on it, then
    use STk_puts to print it.
static SCM test_equal_array(SCM x, SCM y)
   Code that retruns STk_true if x and y are to be considered `equal?`,
   and STk_false othereise.

   NOTE: remember to *NOT* return 0 or 1. The return value should be a Scheme
         object, not a C value with the intended boolean value. This is
         particularly important because the compiler will *NOT* warn you if you
         return "0":
         - `SCM` is defined as a pointer to `void`
         - '0' can be interpreted as a pointer, so the compiler thinks it's OK
         - '0' is *not* the same as `STk_void`
static struct extended_type_descr xtype_array = {
  .name  = "array",
  .print = print_array,
  .equal = test_equal_array
  • At the end of your C code, inside the MODULE_ENTRY_START part, initialize an element of the new type: tc_array = STk_new_user_type(&xtype_array);

  • Create a describing procedure:

(%user-type-proc-set! 'array 'describe
                      (lambda (x port)
                        (format port "an array of rank ~A and size ~A"
                                (array-rank x)
                                (array-size x))))
  • Define a class, and associate it with the type name you have created.

(define-class <array> (<top>) ())
(export <array>)

(%user-type-proc-set! 'array 'class-of <array>)
  • If objects of the new type will have a printed representation, create a reader procedure:

(define-reader-ctor '<array>
  (lambda args
    (apply array (apply shape (car args)) (cdr args))))

6.9.2. More about creating new types

The structure for extended type descriptors is defined in stklos.h, in section "EXTEND.C":

struct extended_type_descr {
  char *name;
  void (*print)(SCM exp, SCM port, int mode);
  SCM  (*equal)(SCM o1, SCM o2);
  SCM  (*eqv)(SCM o1, SCM o2);
  SCM  class_of;
  SCM  describe_proc;

As can be seen, there are other fields besides name, print and equal that can be customized. For example, the describe behavior, which was defined in Scheme for SRFI-25, could have been implemented in C.

Immediately below the definition of this structure, there are also some useful macros and function declarations for dealing with extended types.

7. Continuations

One macro and two functions are declared in vm.h that can be used to capture, check and restore continuations:

  • CONTP(k) verifies (as expected) wether k is a continuation object

  • SCM STk_make_continuation(void) returns the current continuation

  • SCM STk_restore_cont(SCM cont, SCM val) restores continuation cont, passing it the value val

There is also one function in vm.c which is not exported by vm.h, but is available as a Scheme primitive:

DEFINE_PRIMITIVE("%fresh-continuation?", fresh_continuationp, subr1, (SCM obj))
  return MAKE_BOOLEAN(CONTP(obj) && (((struct continuation_obj *) obj)->fresh));

Their Scheme counterparts, %continuation?, %make-continuation, and %restore-continuation are used to implement the Scheme procedure call/cc (in lib/callcc.stk). The implementation of call/cc is actually complex because it needs to be intertwined with the implementation of dynamic-wind, but in the same file there is another procedure, %call/cc, which does not do winding, and is therefore very simple (and it should be the starting point to understand the full-blown call/cc). We reproduce it here with some comments.

(define (%call/cc proc)
  (let ((k  (%make-continuation)))
    (if  (%fresh-continuation? k)

         ;; In the first time we get here, we create a closure (the lambda
         ;; below) that will take a value v and restore the continuation
         ;; k with it. So when we call
         ;; (%call/cc (lambda (kont) ... (kont x) ...)),
         ;; 'proc' below is the '(lambda (kont) ...)' in our code. And the
         ;; '(lambda v ...)' below is kont. 'v' is the argument that will be
         ;; given to kont.

         (proc (lambda v (%restore-continuation k v)))

         ;; Next time and everytime again, we just return values applied to k,
         ;; because in this case, k will *not* be a continuation, but a list
         ;; with the values passed (this is because the lambda above accepts
         ;; 'v' as the arg list, and this list is passed to %restore-continuation
         ;; as the value to be returned).
         (apply values k))))

The %call/cc procedure is used in the same way the Scheme call/cc is used:

stklos> (define c #f)
(let ((a 1)
      (b 2))
  (format #t "start~%")
  (set! b (%call/cc (lambda (k)
                      (set! c k)
  (set! a (+ 1 a))
  (format #t "~a ~a ~a~%" a b c))

2 -1 #[closure 7fbcd9a122c0]

stklos> (c 15)
3 15 #[closure 7fbcd9a122c0]

stklos> (c 'x)
4 x #[closure 7fbcd9a122c0]

The behavior of the fundamental continuation procedures is better illustrated by an example in Scheme, which mimics the example of %call/cc given above, ecxept that it does not have the return value of %call/cc, so it does not set the value of b:

stklos> (define c #f)  ; to be set later
(let ((a 1)
      (b 2))
  (format #t "start~%")
  (set! c (%make-continuation))
  (set! a (+ 1 a))
  (format #t "~a ~a ~a~%" a b c))

2 2

stklos> (%continuation? c)

stklos> c
#[continuation (C=3992 S=1512) c069e000]     ;; addresses: C stack, Scheme stack,
                                             ;; continuation object

stklos> (%fresh-continuation? c)

stklos> (%restore-continuation c c)          ;; since this is the continuation of
                                             ;; "(set! c ...)", we put "c" as value,
                                             ;; so we can use the continuation again
3 2 #[continuation (C=3992 S=1512) c069e000]

stklos> (%fresh-continuation? c)

stklos> (%restore-continuation c c)
4 2 #[continuation (C=3992 S=1512) c069e000]

stklos> (%restore-continuation c c)
5 2 #[continuation (C=3992 S=1512) c069e000]

stklos> (%restore-continuation c c)
6 2 #[continuation (C=3992 S=1512) c069e000]

8. The virtual machine

See the file vm.adoc for a description of the opcodes.

9. Compiler and optimizations

9.1. The compiler

The compiler is in the file lib/compiler.stk.

There is a compile procedure at the end of the file, whose logic is very simple:

  1. expand macros

  2. compile special forms

  3. if what’s left is a symbol, compile a call

  4. if it’s not a symbol, compile it as a constant

In the rest of the file, there are procedures to compile different special forms and inlinable primitives.

The code is generated as a list, in the code-instr global variable in the STKLOS-COMPILER module. The procedure emit conses one more instruction on the code (which will later be reversed, of course)

9.2. Peephole optimizer

STklos uses a peephole optimzier, located in the file lib/peephole.stk. This optimizer will transform several instruction patterns in the generated code into more efficient ones. For example:

             ;; [SMALL-INT, PUSH] => INT-PUSH
             ((and (eq? i1 'SMALL-INT) (eq? i2 'PUSH))
              (replace-2-instr code (list 'INT-PUSH (this-arg1 code))))

This transforms two instructions (`load a small integer into `val, then push it onto the stack'') into one single instruction (push an integer onto the stack).

The peephole optimizer also reduces the size of the bytecode:

             ;; [RETURN; RETURN] => [RETURN]
             ((and (eq? i1 'RETURN) (eq? i2 'RETURN))
              (replace-2-instr code (list 'RETURN)))

This will turn two adjacent RETURN instructions into a single one, making the object file smaller. This is valid because there won’t be any GOTO pointing to the second instruction; if this was the case, then the code would have a label between the two `RETURN`s.

Another example is GOTO optimization:

             ;; [GOTO x], ... ,x: GOTO y => GOTO y
             ;; [GOTO x], ... ,x: RETURN => RETURN
             ((eq? i1 'GOTO)
              (set! code (optimize-goto code)))

The procedure optimize-goto-code, also in the file peephole.stk, will perform the transformations indicated in the comments.

The input code is represented as a list of the form

( (instruction1 op1 op2)    ;; one instruction with two operands
  (instruction2 op1)        ;; one instruction with one operand
  (instruction3)            ;; one instruction with no operands
  (instruction10 op1 op2)
  10                        ;; this is a label!
  ... )

Some relevant definitions are in the beginning of the file:

(label? code)      ; is the current instruction a label?
(this-instr code)  ; the current instruction (reference to a position in the list)
(next-instr code)  ; the next instruction (cdr of the current one)
(this-arg1 code)   ; argument 1 of current instruction
(this-arg2 code)   ; argument 2 of current instruction
(next-arg1 code)   ; argument 1 of next instruction
(next-arg2 code)   ; argument 2 of next instruction

There are only procedures for dealing with the current and the next instruction because the peephole optimizer currently only substitutes sequences of two instructions. It is an interesting exercise to try to implement three-instruction peephole operation. As a suggestion, the reader can try the following:

  • Implement third-instr. Be careful to not try to take the cdr of an empty list…​

  • Include one more optimization clause in the optimizer that performs the substitution [IN-CDR; IN-CDR; IN-CDR] ⇒ IN-CDDDR

  • And of course, implement IN-CDDDR:

    • Change lib/assembler.stk

    • Change src/vm-instr.h

    • Add one more case to the VM state machine (use the case for IN_CDR as a starting point).

  • Finally, write some benchmark to verify if the new optimization is worth the trouble (and the use of a new opcode).

9.3. Source rewriter

The file lib/comprewrite.stk contains rules for code rewriting.

All the rewriting rules are stored in an compiler internal hash table, whose keys are symbols The value stored for key SYMBOL is a procedure that transforms the form (SYMBOL …​) into something else. For example, it will transform (IF 1 2 3) into 2. The procedure takes as parameters:

  • An expression (whose first element is the symbol that was used as key in the hash table);

  • The length of the expression;

  • The environment.

The procedure should, of course, return the optimized expression. This procedure can be obtained by the function compiler:find-rewriter, as seen below:

(define rewrite-car (compiler:find-rewriter 'car))
(rewrite-car '(car '(1 2)) 2 (interaction-environment)) => '1

(define rewrite-not (compiler:find-rewriter 'not))
(rewrite-not '(not #t) 1 (interaction-environment))

If the expression doesn’t seems correct, or cannot be simplified, nothing is done (since the rewriter is not where syntax or semantic errors are detected):

(rewrite-car '(car '(1 2)) 2 (interaction-environment)) => '1
(rewrite-car '(car 1 2 3)  4 (interaction-environment)) => '(car 1 2 3)
(rewrite-car '(car a-list) 1 (interaction-environment)) => '(car a-list)

The function compiler:add-rewriter! adds a new rewriting rule to the compiler. For instance, we can add a rule that transforms the calls to the eof-object standard primitive to the STklos constant #eof (this rewriter is already defined in the compiler)

(compiler:add-rewriter!            ;; 'EOF-OBJECT' rewriter
 (lambda (expr len env)
   (if (= len 1)

(define eof-rewriter (compiler:find-rewriter 'eof-object))
(eof-rewriter '(eof-object)   1 (interaction-environment)) => #efo
(eof-rewriter '(eof-object 1) 2 (interaction-environment)) => (eof-object 1)

The parameter object compiler:source-rewrite can be used to control source rewriting.

stklos> (compiler:source-rewrite #f)
stklos> (disassemble-expr '(car '(1 2)))

000:  CONSTANT             0      ;; that is the list '(1 2)
002:  IN-CAR
stklos> (compiler:source-rewrite #t)
stklos> (disassemble-expr '(car '(1 2)))

000:  IM-ONE

Rewriting rules can be defined without modifying the compiler thanks to the following functions

  • (compiler:const-expr? e) which returns #t if the expression e is constant

  • (compiler:const-value e) which returns the value of the constant expression e

  • (compiler:rewrite-expression e env) which returns a simplified version of expression e in the environment e.

We are now able to write a rewriting rule for not:

(compiler:add-rewriter!            ;; 'NOT' rewriter
 (lambda (expr len env)
   (if (= len 2)
       (let ((val (compiler:rewrite-expression (cadr expr) env)))
         (if (compiler:const-expr? val)
             (not (compiler:const-value val))

(compiler:rewrite-expression '(not 42)            (interaction-environment))
           => #f
(compiler:rewrite-expression '(not (not 42))      (interaction-environment))
           => #t
(compiler:rewrite-expression '(if (not 42) 10 12) (interaction-environment))
           => 12

10. Garbage collection

STklos uses the Boehm-Demers-Weiser garbage collector. The wrapper for the GC is located in the header file src/stklos.h:

#define STk_must_malloc(size)           GC_MALLOC(size)
#define STk_must_malloc_atomic(size)    GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(size)
#define STk_must_realloc(ptr, size)     GC_REALLOC((ptr), (size))
#define STk_free(ptr)                   GC_FREE(ptr)
#define STk_register_finalizer(ptr, f)  GC_REGISTER_FINALIZER(
                                            (void *) (ptr),
                                            0, 0, 0)
#define STk_gc()                        GC_gcollect()

void STk_gc_init(void);
  • STk_must_malloc - used to allocate structured objects.

  • STk_must_malloc_atomic - used when there won’t be any pointers inside the object, and we don’t want to confuse the GC with patterns that are supposed to be just a bignum, but ``look like apointer''. Used for strings, numbers etc.

  • STk_register_finalizer will register a finalizer function f, which will be called when the object at ptr is collected.

11. C variables for conditional compilation

These are simple to understand, but we ist them here anyway.

11.1. Detecting libffi, libgmp, dynamic loading

  • libffi: the configure script will set the HAS_FFI variable when libffi is available. In ffi.c, for example, the code that actually uses libffi is guarded by an ifdef

#ifdef HAVE_FFI
    /* use libffi here */
#else /* HAVE_FFI */
static void error_no_ffi(void)
  STk_error("current system does not support FFI");
DEFINE_PRIMITIVE("make-callback", make_callback, subr3, (SCM p1, SCM p2, SCM p3))
{ error_no_ffi(); return STk_void;}
  • libgmp: In number.c, STklos includes “gmp.h”. This header file may be provided either by mini-gmp or by the full GMP. WHen the mini-gmp is used, the variable MINI_GMP_H is defined, so for example this is tone in number.c:

#ifdef __MINI_GMP_H__
    /* BEGIN code for compiling WITH MINI GMP (*no* rationals!) */
    /* BEGIN code for compiling WITH FULL GMP (*with* rationals!) */
#endif /* __MINI_GMP_H__ */
  • In dynload.c, the variable HAVE_DLOPEN is used to guard the full contents of the file.

11.2. Statistics gathering

In vm.c, code that does statistics gathering is guarded by STAT_VM. For example,

#ifdef STAT_VM
static int couple_instr[NB_VM_INSTR][NB_VM_INSTR];
static int cpt_inst[NB_VM_INSTR];
static double time_inst[NB_VM_INSTR];
static int collect_stats = 0;
static void tick(STk_instr b, STk_instr *previous_op, clock_t *previous_time);