This is the documentation for the opcodes of the STklos virtual machine. The VM implementation is contained in the files src/vm.h and src/vm.c.

The VM has a stack, which in the source code is accessed using the C functions push(elt) and pop(). Each VM thread also has:

  • STk_instr *pc, the program counter

  • SCM *fp, the frame pointer

  • SCM *sp, the Scheme stack pointer

  • SCM *stack, the Scheme stack

  • int stack_len, the length of the stack

  • SCM val, a register for the current value

  • SCM vals[], a register for multiple values

  • int valc, the number of multiple values

  • SCM r1, r2 two registers

  • SCM env, the current environment

  • SCM current_module, the current module

  • SCM iport, oport, eport, the current input, output and error ports

  • SCM scheme_thread, the Scheme thread associated with this thread

Of these, only a few are relevant to understanding the bytecode – these are the value registers and the stack.

1. The bytecode

STklos bytecode is a sequence of 16-bit integers. You can see the opcodes of a compiled thunk with

(disassemble (lambda () ...))

and the opcodes of an expression with

(disassemble-expr 'expr)

With an extra #t argument, dissasemble-proc will show constants:

(disassemble-expr "abc")
000:  CONSTANT             0
(disassemble-expr "abc" #t)
000:  CONSTANT             0

0: "abc"

When we make a closure with the lambda, we’ll always see a RETURN at the end of the output:

stklos> (disassemble (lambda () '() ))
000:  IM-NIL
001:  RETURN

In the above example, one opcode loads the NIL value to the register and another opcode `RETURN`s. This return is from the lambda.

2. Value register

The simpler opcodes are those that carry with them an immediate value. These operations will copy their value to the val register in the VM.



(disassemble-expr  1)
000:  IM-ONE
(disassemble  (lambda () #f 1) )
000:  IM-FALSE
001:  IM-ONE
002:  RETURN

Opcodes for small integers and constants do the same, but they take a little longer to execute, since they need to perform some small operations.

(disassemble-expr  5)
000:  SMALL-INT            5

Small integers are not the same as fixnums! A small integer is an integer number that fits in 16 bits (that is, in one bytecode element). The fixnum range depends on the size of long in the platform being used.

Suppose STklos has been compiled on a 64 bit system and also ona 32 bit system. The ranges for small ints and fixnums are:

small integer (on both): [ -2^15, +2^15 - 1 ]
fixnum (long is 32-bit): [ -2^29, +2^29 - 1 ]
fixnum (long is 64-bit): [ -2^61, +2^61 - 1 ]

The expression above, 5, is compiled into the bytes

00 08 00 05

where 00 08 is the opcode for `small int'', and `00 05 is the argument (the small integer, 5).

Small integers are compiled into the bytecode. Fixnums, bignums, strings are stored outside of the bytecode, and the instruction CONSTANT takes as argument an index into the constants vector.

The expression 50000 is not a small integer, so it is compiled as a constant:

(disassemble-expr 50000 #t)
000:  CONSTANT             0

0: 50000

Zero is the index of 50000 in the constants vector.

The above code is compiled into bytecode as

00 09 00 00

where 00 09 means CONSTANT and 00 00 is the index into the constants vector.

Another clarifying example:

(disassemble-expr ’(values 50000 ``abc'') #t)

001:  CONSTANT-PUSH        0
003:  CONSTANT-PUSH        1
005:  GREF-INVOKE          2 2

0: 50000
1: "abc"
2: values

The bytecode is

37 85 0 85 1 86 2 2


  • 85 0 is CONSTANT-PUSH 0 (0 = first element of the vector)

  • 85 1 is CONSTANT-PUSH 1 (1 = second element)

  • 86 2 2 is GREF-INVOKE 2 2 (2 = number, arg to `values, next 2 = third element of vector)

3. Stack

The following opcodes are similar to the immediate-value ones, except that, instead of copying their values to the val register, they push the value on the stack.



The POP and PUSH move objects between stack and value register.

POP     ; move top of stack to val register
PUSH    ; store val register on top of stack

4. Local variables

The LOCAL_REF opcodes will load the values of variables from the current environment (the `local'' variables) on the `val register.



(disassemble (lambda (a) a))
000:  LOCAL-REF0
001:  RETURN
(disassemble (lambda (a b) a))
000:  LOCAL-REF1
001:  RETURN

There are opcodes for five fixed positions only, so after that another opcode, LOCAL_REF, needs an argument:

(disassemble (lambda (a b c d e f) a))
000:  LOCAL-REF            5
002:  RETURN

The following opcodes are similar to the local reference ones, except that, instead of copying their values to the val register, they push the value on the stack.


The following opcodes are analogous to the local reference ones, but instead of loading values, they store the value of the val register on the local variables


5. Deep variables

Variables which are visible but not in the immediately accessible environment are accessed with the DEEP opcodes.


STklos organizes local environments as this: each level has a maximum of 256 variables. Both the level and the address of local variables are encoded in a single 16-bit integer, as "256v1+v2". For example, 2*256 + 03 = 0x0203. The first byte, 0x02, identifies the level, and the second byte, 0x03, identifies the variable.

The VM will, then, do something like this to access a deep local variable:

  /* See this is src/vm.c, CASE(DEEP_LOCAL_REF):  */
  for (level = FIRST_BYTE(info); level; level--)
    e = (SCM) FRAME_NEXT(e);

  vm->val = FRAME_LOCAL(e, SECOND_BYTE(info));

Here, info is the information to access the variable (a uint16_t number, as every opcode and operand used in the VM). FIRST_BYTE gets the level; SECOND_BYTE gets the var address.


 (let ((a 10))
   (lambda () a)))
000:  DEEP-LOCAL-REF       256
002:  RETURN
 (let ((a 10))
   (lambda ()
     (set! a 20))))
000:  SMALL-INT            20
002:  DEEP-LOCAL-SET       256
004:  RETURN

In the following example, the value of a is fetched from a deep environment and pushed onto the stack, so it can be used by the comparison opcode IN-NUMEQ:

 (let ((a 10))
   (lambda ()
     (= a 20))))
000:  DEEP-LOC-REF-PUSH    256
002:  SMALL-INT            20
004:  IN-NUMEQ
005:  RETURN

The following example shows a variable in a deeper level.

  (let ((c 4)
        (b 3))
    (lambda ()
      (let ((a 2))
001:  INT-PUSH             2
003:  ENTER-TAIL-LET       1
005:  DEEP-LOCAL-REF       513
007:  RETURN

The number 513 is composed of the bytes 0x02 and 0x01: #x0201 = 513. This means "the variable of index 1 in level 2" (index 1 is for c, and index 0 is for b).

The code for (let ((c 4) (b 3) is not shown, but it can bee seen with disassemble-expr:

  '(let ((c 4)
         (b 3))
     (lambda ()
       (let ((a 2))
         c))) #t)
001:  INT-PUSH             4
003:  INT-PUSH             3
005:  ENTER-LET            2
007:  CREATE-CLOSURE       9 0	;; ==> 018
011:  INT-PUSH             2
013:  ENTER-TAIL-LET       1
015:  DEEP-LOCAL-REF       513
017:  RETURN

6. Global variables

Global variables can be read and set with the following opcodes:



(disassemble-expr 'my-cool-global-variable) #t)
000:  GLOBAL-REF           0

0: my-cool-global-variable
(disassemble-expr '(set! my-cool-global-variable #f) #t)
000:  IM-FALSE
001:  GLOBAL-SET           0

0: my-cool-global-variable

6.1. UGLOBAL_{REF,SET} and the checked global variables

Internally, the global variables values of a program are stored in a unique array called STk_global_store.

The instructions GLOBAL_REF and GLOBAL_SET do the following:

  1. Fetch the name of the global variable

  2. Lookup the variable in the current environment (that is, consult a hash table in a module)

  3. Verify if the variable is mutable or not

  4. Finally, do the real get or set operation in STk_global_store.

Steps 1-3 are quite expensive, and shouldn’t need to be done every time the variable is accessed. Thus, the STklos VM patches the original code when we are sure that the variable used is properly defined. Hence, he first time a variable is referenced, the VM goes through all those steps, adds a final step:

  1. Patch the code, that is, changing the GLOBAL_REF or GLOBAL_SET instruction into a UGLOBAL_REF or UGLOBAL_SET ('U' prefix here is for already Used vrariable)

For example, in GLOBAL_SET, this step is performed by the following two lines:

  /* patch the code for optimize next accesses */
  vm->pc[-1] = global_var_index(ref); // ref: result of the search in the hash table
  vm->pc[-2] = UGLOBAL_SET;

See that what is being changed are the two previous bytecode elements, pc[-1] and pc[-2]. Note that the value returned by global_var_index is the index in STk_global_store where the used variable is stored.

So the code:

(define (test) (set! a 2))

is translated in

000:  CREATE-CLOSURE       6 0  ;; ==> 008
003:  SMALL-INT            2
005:  GLOBAL-SET           0
007:  RETURN
008:  DEFINE-SYMBOL        1

0: a
1: test

The second and third lines are used for doing this assignment. We can see that the parameter of the GLOBAL_SET instruction is the name of the variable to be set.

Then, after the first time the GLOBAL_SET instruction is performed, the code will patch itself and changed into

000:  SMALL-INT            2
002:  UGLOBAL-SET          n

where n is the index of this global variable in the STk_global_store array.

The instruction GLOBAL_SET takes two integers to be represented, so when pc[-1] and pc[-2] are changed, what is being changed is the previous argument (0n) and the previous instruction (GLOBAL_SETUGLOBAL_SET).

And, of course, the n-th element of the table contains the value of the variable to be set. We can see this by disassembling the test function defined before:

stklos> (disassemble test)
000:  SMALL-INT            2
002:  GLOBAL-SET           0
004:  RETURN

Once test has been called at least one time, its code is:

stklos> (disassemble test)
000:  SMALL-INT            2
002:  UGLOBAL-SET          2971
004:  RETURN

Here, 2971 is the index of the global variable a in the array of global variables.

Let’s see now the code of UGLOBAL_SET:

CASE(UGLOBAL_SET) { /* Never produced by compiler */
  /* Because of optimization, we may get re-dispatched to here. */

  fetch_global() = vm->val; NEXT0;

The fetch_global macro is defined earlier in vm.c:

#define fetch_next()     (*(vm->pc)++)
#define fetch_global()   (STk_global_store[(unsigned) fetch_next()])

The RELEASE_POSSIBLE_LOCK used here is a macro which deals with the lock needed to patch the code. This lock is necessary since STklos permits to have several threads to execute the same code. All the stuff about locking in the VM is explained in vm.c source file, and is covered (a bit) below.

Of course, all the work detailed about how we optimize access to global variables is also done in all other UGREF_* instructions in a similar way.

That is why, even using a hash table, access to global variables happens with speed not too far from that of access to local variables in STklos. This can be seen in the following rudimentary benchmark:

;;; Using locals: runs in about 3900ms
(let ((a 0)
      (b 2))
    (repeat 100_000_000
      (set! a b))))

;;; Using globals: runs in about the same time (probably a bit faster)
(define a 0)
(define b 2)

  (repeat 100_000_000
     (set! a b)))

7. Operations

7.1. Arithmetic

The operations take the top of stack and val as operands, and leave the result on val.

(disassemble-expr '(+ a 3) #t)
000:  GLOBAL-REF           0
002:  IN-SINT-ADD2         3

0: a

First the value of a (which is the zero-th local variable) is pushed onto the stack. Then, DEEP-LOCAL-REF brings the value of x, and IM-ADD2 adds the two values, leaving the result on the local variable register.

For fixnums, the analogous opcodes are:

(disassemble-expr '(fx+ v 3))
000:  GLOBAL-REF           0
002:  IN-SINT-FXADD2       3

0: v

The following variant of those opcodes do not use the stack. They operate on val and an argument:



(disassemble-expr '(+ a 2))
000:  GLOBAL-REF           0
002:  IN-SINT-ADD2         2

0: a

With a as a local variable:

(disassemble (lambda (a) (+ a 2)))
000:  LOCAL-REF0
001:  IN-SINT-ADD2         2
003:  RETURN

First, the value of a is put on val; then it is summed with 2, which comes as an argument to the opcode IN-SINT-ADD2.

These also have fixnum variants:



(disassemble-expr '(fx+ a 2))
000:  GLOBAL-REF           0
002:  IN-SINT-FXADD2       2

0: a

7.2. Increment and decrement val


7.3. Comparisons

These compare the top of stack with val, and leave a boolean on val.

IN_NUMEQ     ;   pop() == val ?
IN_NUMDIFF   ; ! pop() == val ?
IN_NUMLT     ;   pop < val ?
IN_NUMGT     ;   pop > val ?
IN_NUMLE     ;   pop <= val ?
IN_NUMGE     ;   pop >= val ?


(disassemble-expr ' (>= a 2))
000:  GLOBAL-REF-PUSH      0
002:  SMALL-INT            2
004:  IN-NUMGE

0: a

There are also opcodes for equal?, eqv? and eq?:



(disassemble-expr '(eq? a 2))
000:  GLOBAL-REF-PUSH      0
002:  SMALL-INT            2
004:  IN-EQ

0: a

The dissassemble procedures will not, however, show the names of symbols or values of strings (disassemble-expr does, when passed the extra #t argument).

(disassemble (lambda (a) (eq? a 'hello-i-am-a-symbol)))
001:  CONSTANT             0
003:  IN-EQ
004:  RETURN
(disassemble-expr '(eq? a 'hello-i-am-a-symbol) #t)
000:  GLOBAL-REF-PUSH      0
002:  CONSTANT             1
004:  IN-EQ

0: a
1: hello-i-am-a-symbol

7.4. Constructors

These will build structures with the value in val and store the structure (that is, the tagged word representing it) again on val.



(disassemble-expr '(cons "a" "b") #t)
000:  CONSTANT-PUSH        0
002:  CONSTANT             1
004:  IN-CONS

0: "a"
1: "b"
(disassemble (lambda (a b) (cons a b)))
001:  LOCAL-REF0
002:  IN-CONS
003:  RETURN

The element to be consed is pushed on the stack; then the second element is loaded on val, and then IN-CONS is called.

(disassemble (lambda (a) (list a)))
001:  IN-LIST              1
003:  RETURN
(disassemble-expr '(car a) #t)
000:  GLOBAL-REF           0
002:  IN-CAR

0: a

The special accessor CXR is used to access list parts, as described in the cxr library in the R7RS standard (caar, cadr, …​, up to cddddr). The following example illustrates this.

(disassemble-expr '(caadr x) #t)

000:  GLOBAL-REF           1
002:  IN-CXR               0

0: #:daa
1: x

The constant #:daa is the abbreviation of the operations --(CAADR x) = (CAR (CAR (CDR x))), in reversed order (because that is the order in which they will be applied, and it is more natural for the VM to go from the beginning of the string towards the end.

See that if we turn off the inlining of functions in the compiler, we get a different output:

(compiler:inline-common-functions #f)
(disassemble-expr '(caadr x) #t)

001:  GLOBAL-REF           0
003:  PUSH
004:  GLOBAL-REF           1
006:  INVOKE               1

0: x
1: caadr

Not only we have more instructions, but the PREPARE-CALL and INVOKE instructions above are rather expensive.

7.5. Structure references

The following opcodes access and set elements of strings and vectors.


V stands for vector, S stands for string; then, REF and SET mean reference'' and set''.

The instructions will use the object in the stack and the index from the val register.


 (let ((a #(0 1 2 3)))
   (lambda () (vector-ref a 2))))
000:  DEEP-LOC-REF-PUSH    256
002:  SMALL-INT            2
004:  IN-VREF
005:  RETURN

In the following example, the CONSTANT-PUSH is including a reference to the string on the stack.

(disassemble-expr '(string-ref "abcde" 3) #t)
000:  CONSTANT-PUSH        0
002:  SMALL-INT            3
004:  IN-SREF

0: "abcde"

When setting a value, the reference to the vector or string and the index go on the stack (index below the reference to the object – the index is popped first), and the value goes on val, then the setting opcode is used:

 (let ((v (vector #a #b #c)))
   (lambda () (vector-set! v 2 10))))
000:  DEEP-LOC-REF-PUSH    256    ; push ref. to vector
002:  INT-PUSH             2      ; push index
004:  SMALL-INT            10     ; put new value in val
006:  IN-VSET                     ; set it!
007:  RETURN

8. Control flow

The following opcodes have an argument, which is the offset to be added to the program counter.

GOTO           ; unconditionally jump
JUMP_TRUE      ; jump if val is true
JUMP_FALSE     ; jump if val is false
JUMP_NUMDIFF   ; jump if ! pop() = val (for numbers)
JUMP_NUMEQ     ; jump if pop() = val (for numbers)
JUMP_NUMLT     ; jump of pop() <  val
JUMP_NUMLE     ; jump of pop() <= val
JUMP_NUMGT     ; jump of pop() >  val
JUMP_NUMGE     ; jump of pop() >= val
JUMP_NOT_EQ    ; jump if pop() not eq? val
JUMP_NOT_EQV   ; jump if pop() not eqv? val
JUMP_NOT_EQUAL ; jump if pop() not equal? val


 (lambda () (if #t 2 4)))
000:  IM-TRUE
001:  JUMP-FALSE           3    ;; ==> 006
003:  SMALL-INT            2
005:  RETURN
006:  SMALL-INT            4
008:  RETURN

STklos’ disassemble is nice enough to tell you the line number where a jump goes!

9.1. let

The opcodes for `entering `let’' create new environments and push them on the stack, but do not update activation records, since there is no procedure call happening. Then, the `LEAVE_LET opcode removes the environment from the stack.



(disassemble-expr '(list (let ((x 1))
                           x)) #t)
001:  ONE-PUSH
002:  ENTER-LET            1
004:  LOCAL-REF0
006:  PUSH
007:  IN-LIST              1


When the let is in tail position, then the opcode used is the ordinary ENTER_TAIL_LET, and no LEAVE_LET is needed:

 (lambda ()
   (let ((x 1))
001:  INT-PUSH             4
002:  ENTER-TAIL-LET       1
004:  LOCAL-REF0
005:  RETURN

10. Miscelannea

The following opcode does nothing:


The following sets the docstring and the formal parameter list documentation for a procedure:



(disassemble-expr '(define (f) "A well-documented function" 5) #t)
000:  CREATE-CLOSURE       4 0  ;; ==> 006
003:  SMALL-INT            5
005:  RETURN
006:  DOCSTRG              0
008:  DEFINE-SYMBOL        1

0: "A well-documented function"
1: f
 (lambda ()
   (define (f) "A well-documented function" 5)
002:  ENTER-TAIL-LET       1
004:  CREATE-CLOSURE       4 0  ;; ==> 010
007:  SMALL-INT            5
009:  RETURN
010:  DOCSTRG              0
012:  LOCAL-SET0
013:  SMALL-INT            10
015:  RETURN

Here, DOCSTRG seems to have a zero argument because it uses a constant string, and disassemble does not show values of strings and symbol names.

The FORMALS opcode is similar to DOCSTRG, except that it expects a list instead of a string.

(compiler:keep-formals #t)

(disassemble-expr '(define (f a b . c)
                     "A well-documented function"
                     (* a 3))
000:  CREATE-CLOSURE       5 -3;; ==> 007
003:  LOCAL-REF2
004:  IN-SINT-MUL2         3
006:  RETURN
007:  FORMALS              0
009:  DOCSTRG              1
011:  DEFINE-SYMBOL        2

0: (a b . c)
1: "A well-documented function"
2: f

10.1. Creating closures and procedures

The following opcode creates a closure.


This opcode fetches two parameters:

  • the number of instructions ahead that the VM needs to jump to (because what follows is the code of a closure being created, and it should not be executed, so the VM wull jump over it)

  • the closure arity.


 (lambda ()
   (lambda () "Hello")))
000:  CREATE-CLOSURE       4 0  ;; ==> 006
003:  CONSTANT             0
005:  RETURN
006:  RETURN
 (lambda ()
   (lambda (x) (* 2 x))))
000:  CREATE-CLOSURE       5 1  ;; ==> 007
003:  LOCAL-REF0
004:  IN-SINT-MUL2         2
006:  RETURN
007:  RETURN
 (lambda ()
   (define (g a b c) 10)
002:  ENTER-TAIL-LET       1
004:  CREATE-CLOSURE       4 3  ;; ==> 010
007:  SMALL-INT            10
009:  RETURN
010:  LOCAL-SET0
011:  LOCAL-REF0
012:  RETURN

10.2. Procedure calls

The following opcodes are used to make procedure calls:

PREPARE-CALL        ( PREP_CALL() in vm.c )
  • PREPARE-CALL pushes an activation record on the stack.

  • INVOKE opcodes call procedures – local or global; in tail position or not. The ones with the PUSH_ prefix also push an argument onto the stack.

These are handled in the VM as states in the state machine (they are labels used in the CASE`s in `vm/.c).

In vm.c, all these instructions end up sending the control to the FUNCALL: label, which will then check what to do depending on the type of call (tc_instance, tc_closure, tc_next_method, tc_apply, or some primitive, tc_subr…​)

The peephole optimizer will combine PUSH, GLOBAL-REF INVOKE instructions, yielding combined instructions. The following is an excerpt from peephole.stk where these transformations are documented:


The arguments to the INVOKE-like instructions are:

  • INVOKE: n_args (the procedure address is the first item on the stack, so it is not passed as argument in the code)

  • GREF-INVOKE: proc_addr, n_args

  • PUSH-GREF-INVOKE: first_arg, proc_addr, n_args (pushes the first and calls the procedure with n_args arguments form the stack

(disassemble (lambda () (f)))
001:  GREF-TAIL-INVOKE     0 0
004:  RETURN
(disassemble (lambda () (f 3)))
001:  INT-PUSH             3
003:  GREF-TAIL-INVOKE     0 1
006:  RETURN

In the next example, GREF-INVOKE is called with arguments 0 and 0. The first value 0 is the address of the procedure in the stack. The IN-SINT-ADD2 procedure is called afterwards to sum 3 with the return from f.

(disassemble (lambda () (+ 3 (f))))
001:  GREF-INVOKE          0 0
004:  IN-SINT-ADD2         3
006:  RETURN

In the next example, GREF-INVOKE is called with arguments 0 and 2. The value 0 is the address of the procedure in the stack; 2 is the number of arguments given in this procedure call. The IN-SINT-ADD2 procedure is called afterwards to sum 5 with the return from f.

 (lambda (x)
   (+ 5 (f x #f))))
003:  GREF-INVOKE          0 2
006:  IN-SINT-ADD2         5
008:  RETURN

Now the next example shows how INVOKE is used to call a procedure that is non-global (it is in the local environment). The INVOKE instruction will use the first value on the stack as the address of the procedure (it’s DEEP-LOCAL-REF 256, since f is defined inside the let). The other two arguments to be popped from the stack are #f (pushed by the FALSE-PUSH instruction) and the global variable y (pushed by the instruction GLOBAL-REF-PUSH 0). After INVOKE calls f, the instruction IN-SINT-ADD2 3 will sum 3 to the result.

(let ((f (lambda (x) x)))
   (lambda ()
     (+ 3 (f y #f)))))
001:  GLOBAL-REF-PUSH      0
004:  DEEP-LOCAL-REF       256
006:  INVOKE               2
008:  IN-SINT-ADD2         3
010:  RETURN

11. Modules

The following opcode enters a given module.


An SCM object of type module must be in the val resgister.


(disassemble-expr '(select-module m) #t)
001:  CONSTANT-PUSH        0
003:  GREF-INVOKE          1 1

0: m
1: find-module

In the above example, the constants were two symbols: m and find-module. The find-module procedure, which is called, will leave module m in the val register, which is then used by SET_CUR_MOD.

The following opcode defines a variable in a module.


It will define a variable with name set as symbol fetched after the opcode, and value in the val register.

(disassemble-expr '(define a "abc") #t)
000:  CONSTANT             0
002:  DEFINE-SYMBOL        1

0: "abc"
1: a
(disassemble-expr '(define a #f) #t)
000:  IM-FALSE
001:  DEFINE-SYMBOL        0

0: a

There is an instruction for returning the value of a symbol in the SCHEME module.

(disassemble-expr '(%%in-scheme 'a) #t)

000:  CONSTANT             0

0: a

12. vm.c

An important observation:

  • apply : there is a DEFINE_PRIMITIVE("apply", …​), but it is not used. It is necessary just so there is a primitive of the type tc_apply. When the VM finds a primitive of this kind, it’ll treat it differently.

Some basic functions in the VM:

  • push(v): pushes v on the stack (the stack pointer is decreased)

  • pop(): pops a value from the stack (the stack pointer is increased)

  • fetch_next() fetches the next opcode, increasing the PC

  • fetch_const() fetches the next opcode and uses it as index for a constant

  • look_const() looks at the current opcode and uses it as index for a constant

  • fetch_global() fetches the next opcode and uses it as index for a global variable

  • add_global(ref) adds ref to the list of global variables, and returns its index. If it was already there, the old index is returned. If it was not, a place is allocated for it, and the new index is returned.

Already covered before:

  • SCM STk_C_apply(SCM func, int nargs, …​): applies func, with nargs arguments

  • SCM STk_C_apply_list(SCM func, SCM l): applies func, with a list of arguments

  • SCM STk_n_values(int n, …​): prepares n values in the VM (for the next instruction), and returns a pointer to the vm→val register

  • SCM STk_values2vector(SCM obj, SCM vect): turns a values object into an array with the values

12.1. The global lock

There is one global mutex lock for STklos, called global_code_lock, declared in vm.c:

MUT_DECL(global_code_lock); /* Lock to permit code patching */

As per the comment, its purpose is to discipline access to the instructions of the running program. This lock is used when patching code for optimizing further global variables accesses (as explained before). This is necessary since STklos can use several threads. Note that each Scheme thread use its own VM, but the code and the global variables are shared among all the threads.

Three macros are used to control the global lock (a mutex):

  • LOCK_AND_RESTART will acquire the lock, and decrease the program counter. It will also set a flag that signals to the running VM that the lock has been acquired by this thread, and then call NEXT. The name “AND_RESTART” reflects the fact that it decreases the PC and calls NEXT (for the next instruction) — so the effect is to start again operating on this instruction, but this time with the lock.

  • RELEASE_LOCK will release the lock, regardless of the thread having it or not. The flag indicating ownership by this thread is cleared.

  • RELEASE_POSSIBLE_LOCK will release the lock if this thread has it.

12.2. run_vm(vm_thread *vm)

After some initial setup, this function will operate as a state machine. Its basic structure is shown below.

The CASE symbol is defined differently, depending on the system, but CASE(x) semantically simialar to case x: (if computed GOTOs are better, then it’s defined as a label instead — see its definition in vm.c).

for ( ; ; ) {

  byteop = fetch_next();  /* next instruction */

  switch (byteop) {

    CASE(NOP) { NEXT; }
    CASE(IM_FALSE)  { vm->val = STk_false;       NEXT1;}
    CASE(IM_TRUE)   { vm->val = STk_true;        NEXT1;}



    ... (several cases here)

    FUNCALL:  /* we "goto" here for procedure invoking from
                 other places in the VM */
    STk_panic("abnormal exit from the VM"); /* went through the switch(byteop) */

13. Continuations

There are undocumented primitives in vm.c that can be used to capture and restore continuations. They are listed here with their undocumented Scheme counterparts:

  • STk_make_continuation() — (%make-continuation)

  • STk_restore_cont(SCM cont, SCM value) — (%restore-continuation cont value)

  • STk_continuationp(SCM obj) — (%continuation? obj)

  • STk_fresh_continuationp(SCM obj) — (%fresh-continuation? obj)

Continuation is a native type (tc_continuation). A continuation object (defined in vm.h) contains pointers to the C stack, the Scheme stack and several other data.

Capturing a continuation is carried out by the following steps (these are the actual comments in the function STk_make_continuation):

  1. Determine the size of the C stack and the start address

  2. Determine the size of the Scheme stack

  3. Allocate a continuation object

  4. Save the Scheme stack

  5. Save the C stack

Restoring is easier:

  1. Restore the Scheme stack

  2. Restore the C stack

And, when the C stack is restored, the VM is back to its original state, except for the global variables.

14. Verifying the VM configuration

The primitive %vm-config returns an association list describing the compile-time configuration of the VM. For example,

stklos> (%vm-config )
(#:computed-goto #t #:debug-vm #f #:stat-vm #t)
  • #:computed-goto: was vm.c compiled using computed goto?

  • #:debug-vm: does this STklos binary have debugging enabled?

  • #:stat-vm: was the VM compiled with code for statistics-collecting?

15. Collecting statistics

The code in vm.c can optionally be compiled to collect statistics. If the symbol STAT_VM is defined during compilation, then the statistics-collecting code will be enabled. You can enable it, for example, by configuring STklos as

./configure CFLAGS="-DSTAT_VM" ...

When the code has been compiled as this, the VM will, at the end of each iteration, check the instruction that was just executed and update:

  • The number of times that this instruction was executed

  • The number of times that this instruction was executed after the previous one (so it’s possible to tell what pairs of instructions are more common)

  • The time taken to execute this instruction

This is done in the tick() C function (which is compiled conditionally on STAT_VM):

static void tick(STk_instr b, STk_instr *previous_op, clock_t *previous_time) {
  static clock_t current_time;
  current_time = clock();
  *previous_op = b;

  if (*previous_time > 0)
      time_inst[b] += ((double)(current_time - *previous_time)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  *previous_time = clock();

Three Scheme primitives are then available:

  • (%vm-dump-stats fname format) will dump the statistics to a file whose name is fname. The file will be opened using plain fopen. When the format argument is the keyword :csv, then the output is in CSV format; otherwise, there will be one single S-expression in the file, readable from Scheme. This S-expression is an alist, documented in the file itself (see below).

  • (%vm-reset-stats) will reset all counters.

  • (%vm-collect-stats . val) is a parameter object. When called without value, it returns if statistics are collected or not. If the value val is determined, then statistics

    • will start being collected, if val is #t;

    • will not be collected anymore if val is #f.

       Collecting statistics is off by default, especially because compiling STklos
      is very slow with statistics gathering. It should be turned on before profiling.

The status of "collecting" or "not collecting" reflects what happens internaly in the statistics gathering code, when it is compiled in. If STklos was compiled without STAT_VM, then those procedures are just not available at all.

The documentation for the Scheme format for the dumped instructions is shown below.

;; STklos VM statistics. It can be read in Scheme, and it represents one single
;; object: an alist with the names of instructions, and each CDR is a list
;; containing:
;; * count (the number of times this instruction was executed)
;; * time (the total time the program spent on this instruction)
;; * avg time (the average number of time spent on each execution of this
;;   instruction)
;; * an alist containing, for each OTHER instruction, the number of times they
;;   appeared together in the code.
;; ( (INS1 count1 time1 avgtime1 ( (INS1 . count1) (INS2 . count2) ... (INSn  . countn)))
;;   (INS2 count2 time2 avgtime2 ( (INS1 . count1) (INS2 . count2) ... (INSn  . countn)))
;;   ...
;;   (INSn countn timen avgtimen ( (INS1 . count1) (INS2 . count2) ... (INSn  . countn))) )

The C code for printing the instructions is in the functions dump_couple_instr_csv and dump_couple_instr_scm.

Note that the %vm-config can be used to determine if the system has been compiled with the profiling code. As said before, this primitive returns a property list and #:stat-vm can be used here.

To profile some specific code there is the %with-profile-data macro:

(%with-profile-data "file-name.csv" :csv
  (display 'a)
  (values 1 2 3))

This will expand to

  (begin (%vm-reset-stats)
         (display 'a)
         (values 1 2 3))
         (begin (%vm-dump-stats "file-name.csv" #:csv)
                (apply values result-4)))

So the macro will return the same values that the code would, and will profile only that part of the code.