
  • [AMOP] Gregor Kickzales, Jim de Rivières and Daniel G. Bobrow — The Art of Meta Object Protocol — MIT Press, 1991.

  • [Bigloo] Manuel Serrano — Bigloo Home Page.

  • [BoehmGC] Hans Boehm — A garbage collector for C and C++ Home Page.

  • [CLtL2] Guy L. Steele Jr. — Common Lisp: the Language, 2nd Edition — Digital Press, 12 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730, USA, 1990.

  • [DSSSL] ISO/IEC — Information technology, Processing Languages, Document Style Semantics and Specification Languages (DSSSL) — 10179:1996(E), ISO, , 1996.

  • [Dylan] Apple Computer — Dylan: an Object Oriented Dynamic Language — Apple, April, 1992.

  • [GTK] The GTK+ Toolkit Home Page

  • [Libedit] Editline library (libedit)

  • [PCRE] Philip Hazel — PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Home page.

  • [POSIX] POSIX Committee — System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language] — 2017.

  • [QuG92] C. Queinnec and J-M. Geffroy — Partial Evaluation Applied to Symbolic Pattern Matching with Intelligent Backtrack — Workshop in Static Analysis, Bigre, (81—​82), Bordeaux (France), September, 1992.

  • [R5RS] Kelsey, R. and Clinger, W. and Rees, J. — The Revised5 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme — Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 11(1), Sep, 1998.

  • [R7RS] Alex S. Shinn, John Cowan and Arthur A. Gleckler — The Revised7 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme — R7RS small — July, 2013.

  • [Readline] The GNU readline library.

  • [SLIB] Aubrey Jaffer  — The SLIB Portable Scheme Library Home Page

  • [SOS] Chris Hanson — The SOS Reference Manual, version 1.9 — November, 2011.

  • [STk] Erick Gallesio — STk Reference Manual — RT 95-31a, I3S CNRS / Université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, juillet, 1995.

  • [Tiny-Clos] Gregor Kickzales — Tiny-Clos — December, 1992.

  • [Tk] John K. Ousterhout — An X11 toolkit based on the Tcl Language — USENIX Winter Conference, January, 1991, pp. 105—​115.

  • [TuD96] Sho-Huan Simon Tung and R. Kent Dybvig — Reliable Interactive Programming with Modules — LISP and Symbolic Computation, 91996, pp. 343—​358.

1. Documentation about hygienic macros has been stolen in the SLIB manual
1. In fact define-module on a given name defines a new module only the first time it is invoked on this name. By this way, interactively reloading a module does not define a new entity, and the other modules which use it are not altered.
2. This transcript uses the default toplevel loop which displays the name of the current module in the evaluator prompt.
1. Under Unix, you can simply connect to a listening socket with the telnet of netcat command. For the given example, this can be achieved with netcat localhost 12345
2. Port 13, if open, can be used for testing: making a connection to it permits to know the distant system’s idea of the time of day.
1. The "pattern matching compiler" has been written by Jean-Marie Geffroy and is part of the Manuel Serrano’s Bigloo compiler since several years [Bigloo]
1. This section is an adaptation of Jeff Dalton’s ( "Brief introduction to CLOS" which can be found at